Five by Five

Buffy's not in this episode, so it's going to be strictly a Faith character development review. It was very enjoyable. I love 'Angel'. Not the guy, the show. Well, no, I do love the guy, but that wasn't my point. I think, at this point, I like it almost more than I like Buffy. Eeep. I didn't say that. On to the commentary…

Faith is going Greyhound, looking burnt out, but very, very sexy nonetheless. Those shoes kick ass. And that shirt. Jesus. God how I missed Eliza. Some shady guy comes to talk to Faith. He tries to flirt. She beats him up, and takes his money. That's my girl!

There were flashbacks of Angel in Romania when he regained his soul placed strategically throughout the show, I'm guessing, for foreshadowing purposes to prepare us for Faith's redemption. I'm not going to bother explaining them because we know what happened. Darla got Angel a gypsy, he ate her and pissed off some of her friends, they cursed him with a soul, blah blah blah, centuries later he's still struggling for redemption.

Angel's working on a case. He tries to get a gang guy to take the stand. After some 'persuasive measures', he convinces him to testify and they win the case. But guess who the losers are? Good old Wolfram and Hart.

After Wolfram and Hart loses the case, they decided they need to take drastic measures. They call Faith in to dust Angel. Now, there was one thing that bugged me in the scene between the two Wolfram and Hart lawyers... The female says… "How did you find out there's a rogue slayer in town?" Like there are rogue slayers running around all over the place. :)

Faith is dancing at a club, oozing sex, as usual. She walks over to a girl. I swear I thought they were going to start dancing. She did kind of give her a 'come hither' look. :) Faith starts dancing with the girl's boyfriend instead, which consequently starts a fist fight. People start brawling, Faith keeps dancing.

The bitch lawyer from Wolfram and Hart goes to visit Faith. Lesbian tendencies galore. The woman's flirting with Faith, I swear, but can you blame her? ;) She makes Faith an offer. Faith is thrown because the woman knows all about her. She gets pissed and corners the woman up against a fence. A limo pulls up behind them, Faith decides she'll hear them out. They drive away. Back at Wolfram and Hart… (Lindsey is apparently a man, not a woman.)

Lindsey:(looking through a file) A felony arrest warrant from Sunnydale was issued in your name. For murder. The physical description is quite accurate, the photograph however is not flattering. There's a lot of personal stuff that's of no interest to me, but what they do fail to mention is that you're a slayer.
Female Lawyer: Which is why we find you so appealing
Lindsey: You have a problem, we have a problem. I just had a perfectly good murder case go up in smoke and you seem to have a certain expertise in that area, and so, to make a long story, less long, I think if a service is rendered we can get you off.
Faith: You don't know how many men have promised me that.
Female Lawyer: I'm certain you won't be disappointed in our performance.

What did I tell you? Flirting. :)

Faith: Who am I supposed to kill?
Lindsey: Please understand that we would never advocate the killing of another human being... His name's Angel, he's somewhat of a private—
Faith: No problem.
Male Lawyer: Well don't you want to know anything more?
Faith: Yeah, besides getting me off, how much you gonna pay?
Male Lawyer: It might behoove you to know a little bit more about your intended, so before we discuss remuneration—
Faith: Huh?
Male Lawyer: Payment. I want to make sure you understand this firm is in no way connected to anything you do. It's my ass on the line here. I don't want you to make me look bad.
Faith: (Faith grabs him and slams his head on the desk repeatedly) How do you look now?

Cordelia gets a call from a man who wants hire Angel for a divorce case. She knows Angel isn't going to go for it because there aren't any big scary monsters involved. She doesn't mention that it's a divorce case until they arrive at the building for the business lunch. Guess who's also there? Faith, with a crossbow. She fires. Angel whirls around and catches it before it hits him.

Faith: Oh my god, that was so cool. This is gonna be fun. (She runs out)
Wesley: Oh my God. Faith.
Angel: I thought she was in a coma.
Cordelia: Pretty lively coma.

Back at Angel's office…

Angel: Giles said she left Sunnydale about a week ago. Described her mental state as borderline psychotic.
Cordelia: That explains the outfit.
Wesley: This isn't right
Cordelia: When a whacked out slayer tries to kill your boss, it's very wrong.
Wesley: I meant Giles. Why didn't he give me the heads up? I was Faith's watcher, when she came out of her coma, Giles should have contacted me immediately.
Cordelia: Maybe he was busy trying to keep her from… I don't know, killing everybody.
Angel: He didn't know she was coming after me. He was worried about Buffy.
Cordelia: Is she okay?
Angel: Yeah.
Cordelia: What can we do?
Angel: Help me track her down. I want you two to check police reports. Beatings, killings, anything within the last week, possibly near bus stations and bars. And then you make yourself scarce. I don’t want to give her any free targets.
Wesley: You've been targeted by a psychotic. I'm certainly not going to run and hide.
Cordelia: I like the plan where I'm scarce.
Wesley: We've got to band together. Safety in numbers.
Cordelia: Two's a number.
Angel: We've got a fight coming up, I don’t want you in the way.
Wesley: I thought we were a team.
Angel: We're not a team, I'm your boss, you go where I tell you and I tell you to lay low.
Wesley: It seems you're taking this personally.
Angel: Well you know she tried to shoot my own personally back, so yeah.
Wesley: Did she do something to Buffy?
Angel: Giles just said it was rough.
Wesley: I'm sorry, but if you let emotion control you right now one of you will certainly end up dead.
Angel: Well that's what the lady wants.
Wesley: That's not good enough, she's not a demon Angel, she's a sick, sick girl. And if there's even a chance she can be reasoned with—
Angel: There was. Last year I had a shot at saving her. I was pulling her back from the brink, some British guy kidnapped her and made damn sure that she'd never trust another living soul.
Cordelia: Angel, It's not Wesley's fault that *some British guy* ruined your— Oh wait that was *you*. Go on.
Wesley: You don't need to.
Angel: Let's just get to work.

A little later, Angel's at the office. Faith pays him a visit.

Faith: Hey baby. Come and give us a hug.
Angel: Glad you could stop by. Always good to see old friends. (Faith takes out a gun) What's this? Wooden bullets?
Faith: Ooooh, good idea. But no. This is for you. You know I'm going to kill you slowly and inventively so I'm gonna give you one chance to-- (She tosses him the gun, he shoots her. She laughs)
Angel: Blanks. Nice. (He tosses the gun back to her)
Faith: You didn't shoot to kill. We're gonna have to up the stakes, get you in the game a little.
Angel: And what's the game exactly Faith? Boredom? Revenge?
Faith: Dude, I'm getting paid. They hate you almost as much as I do.
Angel: Ever occur to you this might be more fun for me?
Faith: You think? 'Cause what if you kill me and you experience that one true moment of pleasure. Oops I'd get off on that. Go ahead, do me. Let's take that hell ride together. Come on Angel, I'm all yours, I'm giving you and open invitation. Jeez, you're pathetic. You and your little tortured soul. You gotta think everything through. Well think fast lover, you don’t do me, you know I'm gonna do you. (She shoots him) Gosh, that one wasn't a blank. Let the games begin. (She exits by crashing through the window)

Angel pays Wolfram and Hart a visit. I do love Angel. Ever since he broke up with Buffy he actually has a personality. What a shocker. He was so cute in his little suit and tie. He was actually wearing a few colors too. A light blue shirt.

They get to the house. Dennis, Cordelia's roommate, who happens to be a ghost, won't let them in. I'm guessing it's because Faith is there. Cordelia finally gets into the house, and big surprise, Faith is there waiting.

Faith: I got a little problem. I don’t feel Angel's in the game but somehow I think you guys are the key. Now what could I do to really make him hate me? Hmmm.
Wesley: Faith.
Faith: Shut up Wesley.
Wesley: Now listen to me. It's not too late.
Faith: For cappuccino? 'Cause it really keeps me up.
Wesley: It's not too late to let me help you.
Cordelia: (Anxiously) Yes. We want to help you.
Wesley: I realize that there have been failures on both sides. But I also believe in my heart that you are not a bad person.
Faith: (She elbows Cordelia in the face) What do you believe in your heart now? (Wesley punches her. She's impressed) All right Wes. My turn.

Faith kicks him and sends him flying. She takes him captive, ties him up and beats the hell out of him.

Faith: (She straddles him and inspects his bruised face. She licks her finger and rubs it along his wound) All these little cuts and bruises just bring out the mother on me. (Wesley starts to get faint) Come on, now, now, don't poop out on me damn it. Otherwise this is all just gonna be over too fast. And you'll be dead, and I'll be… bored. (In a British accent) Come on Wesley? Where's that stiff upper lip. Now, we've only done one of the five basic torture groups. We've done blunt, but that still leaves sharp, hot, cold and loud. Have a preference? Oh that's great. It's always better with audience participation. May I take your order please?
Wesley: I was your watcher Faith, I know the real you. And even if you do kill me there's just one thing I want you to remember.
Faith: What's that love?
Wesley: You are a piece of sh—
Faith: (She grabs him) You should talk huh? I guess I'll just have to try a little harder. (She breaks a picture frame and takes the glass out of the frame) We'll switch to sharp for a while. (She moves towards him with a piece of broken glass)

Faith is sitting on the window ledge with a bloodly piece of broken glass. She drops it out the window, it shatters on the ground below. Now, if you look into her eyes, you can tell that she's hurting. When Wesley called her a 'piece of sh-', her voice falters a little. She puts on a tough girl act, but she's not emotionless. When people tell her she's worthless, it hurts her, no matter how hard she tries to hide it. Also note the visible change in her facial expression when she's staring out the window where no one can see her, and when she goes back in to Wesley. She tries to make herself look harder.

Faith: (Walking back in from the window) That's refreshing. But I'm feeling a little cold. What do you say we warm the place up? Hey do you ever wonder if things would've been different if we'd never met. I mean, what if you had Buffy, and Giles had been my watcher, do you think we'd still be here right now? Or would Giles be sitting in that chair. Or is it just like fate where there's no choice. You were going to be here no matter what. You ever think about that stuff? Fate and destiny? (She pulls out a lighter and an aerosol can) I don't. (She makes a huge flame with the lighter and the aerosol can) Not that any of this is your own fault. Since this may be the last chance we have to unload on each other. I feel it's kinda my duty to tell you that if you'd been a better watcher, I would have been a more positive role model. Face it Wesley, you really were a jerk. Always walking around like you had some big stake rammed up your English Channel. (She takes the gag off) I think I want to hear you scream.

I think she's buying herself more time, because she doesn't really want to kill him.

Wesley: You never will.
Faith: Admit it Wesley. Didn't you always kind of have the hots for me? (She puts the flame closer to him. Angel comes bursting in) 'Bout time soul boy. Ready to play now?
Angel: I'm ready.
Faith: Okay, you showed. But how do I know if you're really in this? I mean, If I kill him, would that help? Or just be really funny?
Angel: You think I don’t know what you're after? I do.
Faith: You I have to kill. Wesley's just for the hell of it.
Angel: This isn't about Wesley. It's about you and me.
Faith: No baby, he's payback.
Angel: For what, I thought you were happy with the way you were. By the way you never told me how much I was worth dusting, just out of curiosity.
Faith: Fifteen thousand. Plus expenses.
Angel: You're kidding.
Faith: Hey I'm young, willing to work my way up.
Angel: You feel young do you Faith? You're looking pretty worn out to me. (Fighting ensues)

This was a spectacular fight. Faith and Angel are tearing up the place. Literally. Shattering glass, breaking lamps, knocking over furniture. And what is it with Joss and having people go crashing through windows?

Faith: That all you got vampire? Get in the game. (Fighting) Come on Angel. I thought you were bad! (More fighting) You can't take me, *no one* can take me! Come on! ( They go crashing through the window and fall three stories down. They continue their fight) You're gonna die! You hear me? You don’t know what evil is!

It starts raining. Symbolisim. Back in the house, Wesley starts to untie himself. He finally breaks free and grabs some knives from out of the kitchen. Wesley stumbles outside ready to assist Angel.

Back outside, Faith's still waling on Angel. You can see her composure starting to deteriorate.

Faith: I'm bad. Fight back!
Angel: Nice try Faith. I know what you want, and I'm not gonna do it. I'm not gonna make it easy for you.

She completely breaks down. I mean, *breaks down*. Through out her repetitive "I'm evil, I'm bad" speech, her tough girl façade starts to crumble. She starts out trying to prove that she's dangerous, bad to the bone, and then it's more of a horrifying realization. And then she does something we'd never expect Faith to do. She cries.

Faith: I'm evil! I'm bad! I'm evil! Do you hear me? (Her punches start becoming less solid.) I'm bad! Angel I'm bad! (She starts sobbing) I'm bad, do you hear me? I'm bad. I'm bad. I'm bad. Please! (She grabs his shirt. He goes from anger, to confusion, to concern.) Angel, please just do it. Please just do it. Just kill me. Just kill me. (She falls to the ground in Angel's arms)
Angel: Shhh. It's okay, I'm here. Shhh

The camera slowly zooms out.

Jesus! That episode was amazing. AMAZING. Eliza was fabulous! She portrayed Faith's gradual break down perfectly. God, it's going to be a long wait until next week.